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Kamis, 13 November 2014


Julia Pererez (Jupe) Most popular Indonesian artist. Surely you are familiar with the female artist who is also a multi talent this is julia perez or commonly known as Jupe, the latest news from this artist is breaking relationship she with one of the football players gaston. Plans are already approaching marriage with Julia perez this gaston aground in the middle of the road because they relationship break. how the jupe reaction to a situation like this? Let's also Julia perez peek latest photo more beautifulBreaking news jupe with gaston is arguably the hottest celebrity news or xxx is often spoken by this merchant blog. Because of their wedding plans are already close and has appeared also mediated preweding photo jupe with gaston, it strengthens hubunggan they've stepped toward serious. But finally separating relationship their destiny. Indeed, if not a soul mate is not yet finished.

And following a brief biography of Julia perez:

Surname: Yuli Rahmawati
Date of birth: July 15, 1980
Born in Jakarta, Indonesia
Zodiac: Cancer
Famous since starred in the film "Love the location" (2002)
First name
Yuli Rachmawati
date of birth
July 15, 1980
place of birth
Jakarta, Indonesia
Space Jaya (m. 02-Des-13, liver)
Sri Wulansih
Husband / Wife
Damien Perez (French model, divorced in 2009)
Gaston Castano (athlete ball, engaged, 04-Des-13 - Mar-14)
popular Since
Starred in the film "Love the location" (2002)

However, one of the companions jupe Bertrand Antolin said that julia perez will quickly move on and get a replacement. Because women special like jupe many guys who want to be a lover. So it is only natural that women can also play the soap opera inquire and this will soon be able to get a new boyfriend after a breakup with gaston.For those of you who are loyal fans of Julia perez, continues to provide support for him to continue to rise into a career and women who continue to bring more creativity and intertainment Indonesia

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