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Senin, 10 November 2014


Well that's Recipe How to Make Beef Rendang we can hopefully serve to anda.mudah recipe how to make beef rendang is beneficial for you or ibuk who want to try this easy recipe rendang hopefully successful as you wantHere's how to make rendang beef, this recipe you can serve at any family events such as fitting mingkin family gathering event for the whole family to get together all sure you want to entertain your relatives with a delicious dish leaving the impression that you want to visit your home againOf course, you may choose the famous beef rendang from the fields to foreign countries, to note the make-rendang padang must choose good quality beef rendang padang this recipe will be served with the meat flavors lezet certainly not tough or hard of course

way make beef rendang

Prepare 1 kg meat (better to use lean meat), cut the meat into pieces and then washed clean. Prepare 3 old coconut and grated coconut and squeeze to become
Meat Seasoning Ingredients Rendang
  •       20 cloves shallots
  •       10 cloves of garlic
  •       2 segment ginger that has been cleaned
  •       1 red chilli Ons that have been finely ground
  •       1 teaspoon pepper (pepper)Supplementary Material Other Rendang Spices
    •         3 cm laos (dikeprak until smooth)
    •         2 cm ginger
    •         15 pieces of red onion
    •         1 ounce of red pepper
    •         6 cloves of garlic

    How to Make Meat Rendang
    •       Cut the meat in advance that has been cleaned earlier into several parts.
    •       Boil coconut milk along with herbs that have been processed earlier coupled with foliage and Kandis acid.
    •       Do stirring continuously until the milk thickens and does not break coconut milk.
    •       Insert meat into the boiling milk and spices when boiling coconut oil has been issued.
    •       Stir constantly over low heat if coconut water has begun to blend with the meat, do stirring until lightly browned meat rendang.
    •       Done, you can present to a few servings

    Note Rendang Meat And Cooking Tips

         The way that you boiled coconut milk is not broken is to use movement to draw on when you do the coconut milk stirring so it will be uneven. Do not let the silence coconut milk without stirring as this will make you broke the coconut milk and coconut milk if broken then it is likely this recipe will fail.
         Tips for the meat more tender: Do pengeprakan on meat for more tips so that when cooked the meat processing easier. Do not do meat cuts that are too thick because it will be difficult to absorb and seasoning meat becomes tough

    Well that's Recipe How to Make Beef Rendang we can hopefully serve to anda.mudah recipe how to make beef rendang is beneficial for you or ibuk who want to try this easy recipe rendang-mudahaan successful as you want

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