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Minggu, 09 November 2014

Times have changed since women going on birth control risked the pelvic infections Dalkon Shield or hormones perilously high doses. Intrauterine devices (IUDs) have been redesigned to be very safe. Contraceptive sponge is almost risk-free, although there are more effective ways to prevent pregnancy. Condoms are safe for everyone and is the only form of birth control that protects against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). And birth control pills are very safe and effective today that it is available over-the-counter in some countries.
"The contraceptive pill is one of the most studied drug, it may have studied more than aspirin," says Anne Foster-Rosales, MD, chief medical officer for Planned Parenthood Golden Gate and a professor at the University of California, San Francisco.

Birth control
can be good for you "There is no contraceptive benefits of deep and large enough for most methods," said Lee Shulman, MD, a professor at Northwestern University who is on board of directors of the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals. Depending on the formula of the drug, the pill can

do the following.But birth control still has most at risk

side effects
of birth control pills are small, such as breast tenderness, headache, or nausea, and they often subside after a few months. But rarely, serious side effects including blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. Women who smoke or have some sort of heart problems should not use hormonal methods of birth control. (It is a good idea to ask to be screened for heart problems before starting one.) "It is important that women realize that whether it's a birth control pill or baby aspirin, when they put a pill in their mouth there is a risk," said Dr. Schulman ..

  •      Helps reduce menstrual bleeding for women at risk of anemia
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IUD (intrauterine device made of copper and / or plastic that provide years of continuous contraception) can spread an existing infection from the vagina to the uterus-which is why your doctor should test you for infections before the implantation procedure, and why IUDs are generally not recommended for those at risk high for sexually transmitted diseases, such as women with many couples. However, implanting Mirena (one of two types of IUDs available currently in the US) really can help prevent infection by thickening the mucus that covers the cervix. (Thick mucus plugs the opening to the uterus and helps stop infections from getting in)
Even with condoms, there is a risk: A very small percentage of people are allergic to latex but can use polyurethane condoms instead.
Then there is the risk that birth control will not work ... all birth control methods have a failure rate-even sterilization. Unless your method is abstinence, there is always the possibility that heterosexual sex can lead to pregnancy. But the risk of failure per year is less than 1% for many methods, as opposed to the 85% chance of pregnancy if you are not using contraception.
Note! The biggest reason for the failure of birth control to use methods that ignore right or konsisten.Berita Related

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