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Selasa, 11 November 2014


Dodo Garut Food Recipes Sweet Family. Upon request this time no way make lunkhead arrowroot typical of the food there tuh, was not complicated tables. please do not believe it, oh yes, there were good with zebra brand or PICNIC, Bener not ?. This one one of her recipes. I hope you can also make at home with results lunkhead typical sugary and sticky like arrowroot it.

Materials needed:

  • 1 kg of glutinous rice flour
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid milk
  • 2 kg of brown sugar, finely sliced
  • 2 ounces of sugar
  • 5 coconuts (coconut milk)
A little salt

How to Make Sweet Food Dodo Garut

 First glutinous rice and slices of brown sugar mixed with liquid coconut milk and a little salt
  • - Then boil until thick and pour the thickened milk, as well as sugar.
  • - Cook continued until very thick. (Pasty approximately 3 ½ hours).
  • - The next process pour over large winnowing previously given oil paper,
  • - After the last cast smeared with cooking oil until blended, then rolled up to chill first round / or truncated forms of lunkhead to taste
  • - Last wrapped in greaseproof paper, finished

    So much for lunkhead arrowroot this way, the old is when we are churning out the dough into a slurry and are considered mature, hopefully if you try this recipe means that you are trying to preserve the nation's cultural and traditional Sundanese food, also see a cake recipe, oh yes actually lunkhead this could dikreasikan with an assortment of fruit flavors, such as pineapple, durian, there is even a guava fruit taste, which definitely tastes sweet and sticky deh. ok that requet Sweet Food Recipes Dodo Garut please try.,.,.,

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