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Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

4.Kekaisaran America

Micro-region of the country are located in the area of jurisdiction of Canada. Its founder is a Canadian citizen named Eric Lis. Just like Kevin Baugh, Lis childhood dream has its own state and he realize his goal was to establish a super small country near Montreal in 1987. He claimed a number of territories and territorial waters in space as part of the territory of the country. Lis also created his own religion he called Silinisme, with penguins as an object of worship.

Nationality flag design mimics the official flag of Canada. Only Iis replace the red maple leaf motif in the middle with a smiley picture. Thanks to the news on the internet, this micro state could reap popularity until some people decide to become citizens Aerika. The number of inhabitants there was increased up to 500 people. But the population surge is only temporary. It seems that the 'new residents' lives in Aerika just to satisfy curiosity.nex namber 5

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