most unique things in the world can be in the value of various angles and shapes, position, location, area, even for this article we will discuss the uniqueness of a republic or monarky.contoh there are seven state or government below.
1.kingdom of Saelan"
The first micro state is Principality of Sealand. This tiny country covers a building area just off the coast of Suffolk was once the stronghold of England during World War II. Since the place was abandoned after World War ended, a retired major Paddy Roy Bates claimed that place. He had intended to make the 'castle' is a radio station unofficial. But then he would prefer to establish a sovereign state.
With the state motto E Mare Libertas, officially declared sovereignty Bates Sealand and appointed himself as the ruler with the title His Royal Highness Roy Bates, Prince of Sealand. Although kedngaran eperti a joke, in fact this country has a system of government and its own currency. And believe it or not, history is also quite complex country like a country at large, complete with a history of invasion from another party who intends to dominate the state and the failed coup attempt of a former prime minister.ok nex namber 2
1.kingdom of Saelan"
The first micro state is Principality of Sealand. This tiny country covers a building area just off the coast of Suffolk was once the stronghold of England during World War II. Since the place was abandoned after World War ended, a retired major Paddy Roy Bates claimed that place. He had intended to make the 'castle' is a radio station unofficial. But then he would prefer to establish a sovereign state.
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