Plants containing a low calorie diet is very good for those who are obese. There are some vegetables that can be consumed with weight control goals, namely corn, asparagus, cauliflower and cabbage. And turnips, of course
Obesity is also a form of reflection of the failure of the digestive system and metabolism. "Obesity can occur because of heredity," he said in the book. Besides damaging the appearance, obesity can trigger some penyakt such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus and stroke
Plants containing a low calorie diet is very good for those who are obese. There are some vegetables that can be consumed with weight control goals, namely corn, asparagus, cauliflower and cabbage. And turnips, of course.
For hiccups and choking, for example, it is advisable to use ginger and radish tubers taste. Ginger crushed and blended with horseradish. Add honey to taste and poured into hot water to taste. The results are taken at once. Do this once a day.
Meanwhile, when experienced fainting or snot out constantly, take only 1 lobah large, cleaned, cut into pieces and blended with enough water. They are taken one hour before breakfast.
For the singers, when the throat feels hoarse, can be removed with horseradish. Especially for mennghilangkan husky flavor, there are three ways .Ir WP Winarto. delivered Lantern and his team.
The first way is to use 150 grams of tubers turnip and 20 grams of white sugar. Both materials were blended with water. The results are taken, then the husky will decrease and disappear.
Hoarse throat can also be removed by using a combination of horseradish and wine. The material used is 150 grams and 150 grams of white radish wine. Both are blended with the taste of boiled water. The results are taken once daily.
Duet radishes and grapes can also be replaced with horseradish and ginger. Horseradish is used as much as 150 grams while its pretty ginger with 5 grams. Both are blended with water, the result is drunk.
To overcome insomnia and sleeplessness due to nervous disorders, can also be used horseradish to taste and lemon juice. Both are blended, the result is taken at the same time, it can calm the nerves and make a person more prone to sleep.
- Turnip Root 5 pieces
- sugar to taste
- How to manufacture:
- Horseradis.enaptuangkan.
- How to use:
- Drink 1 day 1 potion.
- Duration of treatment:
- Repeated for 7 days.
People who frequently suffer from fever are encouraged to eat vegetables radishes. Radishes can be launched urine.h grated then squeezed and filtered. Beningannya plus sugar to taste. Let stand overnight and
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